Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kelowna Graphic Designer

Basically graphic design is a visual problem solving by means of text or graphical elements. Your target is to form something that is pleasurable to the eye, and gets the concentration of the viewer. Graphic design is nothing but the combination of process and art together with text and graphics and for communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Today's Kelowna graphic designers often use desktop publishing software and techniques for attaining their goals.

Kelowna graphic designers focus only on the visual artwork sternly for a project. Few people specialize only in certain areas like logo design. Normally graphic artists work with print and web. They can also be able to design brochures, business cards, annual reports, advertising material and give you a high quality professional look. Not all Kelowna graphic designers pursue the same procedures in completing a project. But this cursory overview will help you to become more familiar along with the ins-and-outs of the creative as well as production stages of the graphic design process. Many web designing companies hire a designer for the graphic design and finally they will hand the work to a web designer or developer for integrating it into a website.

Kelowna graphic designers charge depending upon the experience normally, but designers with less experience may save you money. But designers with more experience will always carry a higher quality product. So it is favorable for you go for an option of selecting graphic designer in Kelowna before the process starts. An initial research should also take place in an appraisal of your competitors' as well as your company's present communications. Some designers used to demand fee per project or per hour. Always make sure that you have defined all the requirements precisely for your web project.

The Graphic Designer:

Desktop publishing permits copying to go directly from word processing to set type in today's electronic world. The main core of any creative work is the designer. Each designer comes with a varying degree of talent and experience as well, whether they're independent or may be a part of a firm. Many independents or "freelancers" have years of skills with well-known firms.

Concept development is the initial stage of creative work. This is nothing but a stimulating process, exploring various options and weighing their merits against the communication policies and the modification process starts at once the concept has been established. Along the way, you see the project evolves, each time becoming more refined. And at the end of the concept refinement stage, normally the graphic designer will present a final comprehensive layout or mock-up to the person at your company who has final approval authority.

Usha Rani is a Copywriter of http://www.atomic55.netBrigida Blog51851
Bee Blog45838

Ten Ways to Write Great Blog Posts That Get Attention

Millions of blogs fight for readership online (over 75 million by some counts), with thousands more being created every day. Making yours stand above the rest may seem like a daunting task, but here are ten suggestions for making your blog posts stand out from the crowd.

1. Write each post title so it grabs the reader's attention. It is the first thing someone reads, and it should get your reader's attention right away. Your title should both pique the reader's interest and be informative. Do not write "Business Writing Advice"; instead, say "The Best-Kept Secret to Reducing Your Business Writing Worries." Longer titles have the advantage of describing in detail what your post is about; 8-12 words are a good range.

2. Keep sentences short and clear. A little goes a long way. Readers are busy people and they will not spend hours detangling complex syntax or sifting through blocks of text. Also, use strong language. Start a new paragraph every few sentences, and limit each post to 250 words, if possible. If you cannot write it in under 250 words, split it into two entries.

3. Break up the text. Use numbered lists, bullet points, and subheadings to make your posts easy to scan. Lots of white space on the page is a good thing-it allows your reader to take mental breaks and let the knowledge soak in. In addition, with the inevitable clutter of banner ads and side text, this technique puts some distance between your writing and all those distractions.

4. Keep current. No one wants to read old news. Your job is to stay up-to-date so your readers do not have to themselves. Read newspapers. Scour the web for references. For example, if you write a blog about business communication, subscribe to Google News Alerts using keywords related to the field, such as blogs, podcasting, instant messaging, business letters, memos, and business reports, so you will always be well informed. Posting items from last month or last year will lose your reader's interest faster than you can say "Enron."

5. Be bold. Timidity is an easy path to anonymity. Do not be afraid to create and state your opinions. Of course, there are some situations in which objectivity rules-but you have to give people a reason to read this blog by you and not by the person next door.

6. Be accurate. If you make a statement, be prepared to back it up. Know what your sources are and quote them accurately. Misinformation spreads like wildfire online; do not be the spark that sets it off or the wind that fans it.

7. Contribute to the conversation. Links are great-but then what? Do not just post links to the same tired sites, offer your reader something new. Contribute to the conversation. Your goal is to be the site to which everyone else is linking-so you had better have something worth writing about.

8. Stay focused. Once you have defined the theme of your blog, stick to it. A blog about piggy banks has no business posting about the latest innovation in alternative energy. Such a deviance will only confuse your reader and chip away at your virtual authority.

9. Use key words liberally. Keywords are, well, key. Harness your blog's search engine potential by dousing your title and post with effective keywords that will help interested parties find your page in the vast, muddled blogosphere. This is one of the most important elements of getting your blog read-go at it with gusto.

10. Be consistent. Keep a schedule and stick to it. Post frequently-at least several times per week if you want to increase your potential of attracting new readers. Let your blog languish for weeks without updates and your audience will move on to fresher ground.

Maintaining an informative blog that people want to read takes hard work and good writing skills. Find what makes your writing unique-and flaunt it for all it is worth.

Courtland L. Bovee, one of America's leading instructors in clear and effective communication, co-authors several leading college-level texts with John V. Thill, a prominent communications consultant and current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Communication Strategies. Their website, Business Communication Headline News, the #1 business communication site on the web, is at http://www.businesscommunicationheadlinenews.comAudrie Blog81903
Andreana Blog47636

Orlando Schools Aim to Improve Language Program

Orlando Schools Administrators Visit China

Several Orlando School administrators will be among the nearly four hundred curriculum developers and administrators from around the nation to visit China in an effort to create and expand educational programs that teach Chinese language and culture in America. The trip to China will last one week from June 27 through July 5. The trip is in cooperation with Hanban, Chinas Office of Chinese Language Council International, in partnership with the College Board, the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), and the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL). The visit will focus on the incentives and strategies that educators can take back to their own schools and use to support the growth of Chinese programs. Currently there are only about 24,000 students in the US studying Chinese compared with close to 150 million Chinese students studying English. During the trip, educators will have an opportunity to meet with Chinese education leaders, build sister school and city ties, and network with other U.S. school leaders who are bringing Chinese language programs to their districts and schools. Orlando Schools want to ensure they are prepared for the new opportunities to offer more language education at younger grades.

In surveys conducted in the Orlando Schools concerning Advanced Placement courses several high schools expressed an interest in offering an AP Chinese course for the 2006-2007 school year. The problem was that many of these schools do not have a teacher of Chinese nor do they see a way to fund such a program. But that may be changing thanks to new programs that unite the governments and educators of China and the US. In April 2006, the College Board and Hanban announced the formation of a partnership to build and expand Chinese language programs in U.S. schools. The partnership features other programs especially intended to help educators who would like to create or grow a Chinese language and culture program in their schools or districts. Because of this program plans have been made to allow 250 guest teachers from China to work in schools in the United States. Also some American teachers will begin training at Beijing Normal University and Shanghai International Studies University. The first sessions begin this summer with sixty teachers from across the nation attending special intensive courses to gain state certification to teach Chinese classes for the new school year.

Orlando Schools Recruit teachers from Puerto Rico

Orlando Schools have hired over sixty new teachers from Puerto Rico during a two-day hiring fair held in Puerto Rico. The aim was to hire veteran certified teachers with special skills in teaching Gifted programs and Limited English Proficiency students. Mathematics and Science teachers were also recruited due to the shortage of math and science teachers in some Orlando schools. Orlando Schools will be hiring 2,400 new teachers for the 2006-2007 school and be opening nine new schools. Many teachers from Puerto Rico are attracted to the Orlando Schools because of the constancy that working in a strong educational environment can provide, the lifestyle that living in the Orlando area offers and the closeness of Orlando to Puerto Rico.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Cathrine Blog81780
Anna Diana Blog76356

How To Choose A Quality Diamond Ring and Diamond Jewelry

You are about to make a very important decision. You are going to buy a diamond. Whether it is an engagement ring to start a new life with someone special or a pair of earrings to signify twenty five years together, a diamond is something special. You want make sure you are getting the best quality diamond for the money you are spending. So, how do you know you are not wasting your money? Here are a few things to keep in mind while shopping for that diamond ring.

The very first thing you are going to want to look at is your budget. In years past, the rule of thumb was that you spend two months salary on a diamond ring. However, that rule generally no longer applies. Today, with people living together before the question is asked, it is much more a question of how much your budget will handle.

After you know the price range you are looking for and can afford, you can then move on to the four Cs of diamonds. Color, cut, clarity and carat weight. Lets take a look at the first one.

Color is the overall color of the stone. Traditionally, diamonds will rage from colorless to yellow. The less color in the stone, the more desirable it is. This typically has a relationship to the purity of the gem, although some people prefer the yellowish tint to a diamond stone. I personally think the yellowish tint makes it look old and not as clean as it should be.

Cut is very important to how the diamond will shine. If it is well cut, it will capture all available light and reflect it back to the height of its potential. If the diamond is cut too shallow, it will not gather light. If it is cut too deep, it will take light and not reflect it back. There are various different kinds of cuts, and a knowledgeable jeweler should be able to explain this to you as well as show you the same piece in different cuts so you can see the difference for yourself.

Clarity refers to how flawless the stone is. Diamonds that are flawless are going to be very rare and, therefore, very expensive. Usually, you can get more bang for your buck if you go down a couple of points on this category and get either a near flawless stone or one that has no visible incursions to the naked eye. Of course, the more visible the flaws, the less expensive the diamond. When you exmaine the gem with the naked eye, you should not be able to see "scars" or blemishes within the stone. If you can see scars but only when wearing a jeweler's "loop" (the magnifying monacle microscope that any quality jeweler has on hand, which you can ask to borrow to examine a stone), then it is probably worthy of your consideration.

The last of the four Cs is carat. This is how big the diamond is. It is worth mentioning that the larger stones are more rare and are more expensive. Because of this, you can get the same amount of total carat weight for less money. As an example, two half-carat stones are less expensive than a single full carat ring.

When shopping for the perfect diamond ring, the setting will also come into play, as well as what type of metal the ring is made of. Gold is traditionally the metal of engagement and wedding rings, but silver; white gold and platinum have started to become more popular in recent years as well. This is more a matter of personal taste than anything else, although you want a quality setting.

One more thing to look for when shopping for a quality diamond ring - a quality jeweler. They will help you decide what your budget should be and show you a wide range of what you can afford. They will be able to tell you more on the four Cs, show you a variety of settings and help you through the buying process so you are comfortable with your purchase. Don't be afraid to ask the jeweler to borrow his "loop" for a minute so you can get a close view of the diamond you are considering.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer and long-term world traveler who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about diamond rings and diamond jewelry at his web site at Blog41456
Angele Blog94929

Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda


Our smile is one of the biggest beauty factor for guys and girls. White teeth and a clean smile will make you more attractive and hygenic. So making sure our teeth stays white should be one of our most important task in life. However, the discolorisation of our teeth is very hard to avoid as there are many factors that cause them. From smoking to the types of food and drinks we consume. Irregular brushing of our teeth is also to blame.

Many people flock to see their doctors or dentist for cosmetics session. People pay money just to make their teeth shiny new. In view of these demands, many over-the-counter teeth whiteners products are available but usually they cost much. However many people have found that using baking soda can help to whiten your teeth without major risks to your health.

Using Baking Soda

Baking soda has been known to be able to help clean kitchen utensils and cleaning coffee, dirt or crayon stains. However, fewer people know that you can use soda to make your teeth whiter. You just need to have this soda particles to rub againts your teeth to help in the whitening process.

Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate, bread soda, bicarbonate soda or bicarbonate of soda. Its most popular use is as a leavening agent in baking. If you would like to save money in cleaning your household or you are wary of the toxic materials available on the cleaning products nowadays, you might want to try baking soda. It's cheaper and safer.


To get the baking soda rub againts your teeth, the best method is to sprinkle the baking soda on top of the paste on your toothbrush and brush normally. The soda will dillute very fast so you might want to sprinkle on your toothbrush again. Rinse your mouth afterwards.

More reading

There is another ingredient in whitening your teeth. That is using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. It is reported to be stronger than soda but works well when mixed together. You can read the detailed instructions on the full article.

You can read a more detailed guide on using baking soda to help you clean and whiten your teeth at!

Jeffrey Michael is a professional web programmer. He also collects information from his clients and publishes them online for everyone to benefit.Bellanca Blog91878
Alena Blog78488

Earning Bachelors Degree Online

Should you get your bachelor-degree online? For many people this would seem hard to do. Depending on the field of study that you plan to get, though, it can be actually quite welcoming and a great way to get in the education that you have always wanted. The online bachelor-degrees are a good way for many to get the education that they need without having to get into a college that is set up traditionally. Online bachelors degree programs are par of e-learning, learning is facilitated through, and based on both computer and communications technology.

In recent years, some of the best universities have gone online offering a variety of courses towards earning a bachelors degree. This is a good opportunity for people with busy schedules who want to earn their degree. Moreover, an online bachelors degree can be attained at ones own pace because they are more flexible, and the diploma or certificate seldom states that its an online program. The number of students choosing to earn bachelor degrees online has increased exponentially in the last ten years. In fact, the majority of people choosing to earn bachelor degrees online are adults well out of high school or two-year programs.

For some, choosing to earn bachelor degrees online is a personal goal that satisfies a desire to accomplish something. But for many, it is to become a competitive force in the workplace. Choosing to earn bachelor degrees online, people can manage to take steps towards professional development and still pay the mortgage.

To qualify for enrollment, you are only required to have a high school diploma or G.E.D. Since no prior college education is required, online degrees are also the perfect choice for someone that must work full time to pay for college.

An online bachelors degree is a four-year college degree that an individual completes and earns through the Internet. The biggest benefit of an online bachelors degree is that it usually takes less time to complete.

Some programs allow students to earn bachelor degrees online in less than four years, depending on course schedule and delivery method. Typically, the course follows a strict delivery method of one lesson per specified number of days. The student receives the lesson, studies it as instructed and then completes a test or assignment based on that lesson.

An accredited bachelor degree is recognized all over the world regardless of whether it was earned online or in a traditional classroom setting. So you need not worry about the authenticity of the online university degree programs. There is a wide range of options for online bachelor degree and online universities. So make sure that you spend adequate time on research and enroll in one of the best, most reputable universities.

There is absolutely no reason for not choosing an online program. The certificate that you will get at the end of the course from the online university will not specify whether you earned an online bachelor degree or a traditional degree. So think before you actually dismiss the idea of earning an accredited online bachelors degree.

After earning bachelors degree, you are qualified to go on to earn a masters degree. Earning a bachelors degree produces one of the greatest financial gains on an educational investment.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog5827
Birgit Blog13977

The Best Online Colleges & What They Have to Offer

Attending an online college is a lot like attending a traditional college. Although you may be getting a quality education from any of these colleges, the truth in the matter is that you will look more appealing to future potential employers when you decide to attend an online college that is reputable. Since they know the college's name, they will be more likely to hire you than somebody else with the same qualifications that has not attended such a reputable college. Of course, before you can take advantage of attending a reputable online college in order to increase your jobs of getting a wonderful job and a quality education, it is so important for you to learn about what some of the best online colleges are. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the many online colleges which you may want to think about attending, as well as the different types of programs that they have to offer to their students.

There are a number of wonderful top online colleges out there. One of the best online colleges which you may want to think about choosing is Westwood College Online. Some of the programs which you will get the opportunity to enroll in at this online college include animation, business administration, criminal justice, game software development, interior design, web design and multimedia, and more!

Another one of the best online colleges which you may want to think about attending is American InterContinental University Online. You will be able to major in fields such as business, criminal justice, education, healthcare management, marketing and more. You can earn both your bachelors degree and masters degree through this online college.

The University of Phoenix is another one of the most reputable online colleges which you may be interested in attending. Some of the areas which you can earn a degree in at the University of Phoenix include business, health care, criminal justice, education, nursing and more. Each of these programs will provide you with a wonderful outlook for the future.

There are just a few of the very man online colleges which you might want to think about attending. Attending each and every single one of them would be a wonderful choice for anyone interested in attending an online college. No matter what online college you decide to attend, the main key is to make sure that you decide to attend one. So many potential students pass up the opportunity because of financial reasons, but it is important for you to realize that there is financial aid which is available for you to apply for. All accredited online colleges will be able to provide you with a quality education, which you will need to success in the field which you are interested in getting a job in. However, by attending an online college which is reputable, you may be able to increase your chances of getting hired by any potential employer greatly. This is the main reason that learning more about some of the best online colleges is a must.

Joe Roberts owns and operates Online CollegesAshlan Blog71048
Berri Blog8145

Public Speaking Won't Kill You Planning Is Better Than Being Afraid

The process of making outstanding public speeches to a crowd in a structured and deliberate manner is called public speaking. The goal as a public speaker is usually to entertain, influence or inform the people. The foundation of your success is dependent upon how well you have analyzed who is saying whom about what via what medium and coupled with what effects. Among all the known fears, the fear of public speaking, known as glossophobia ranks at the top. Therefore, consider well to prepare your speech.

Public speaking: connecting with people

Did you ever notice how the audience love public speakers that seem to be born with the public speaking ability. We come across politicians and recall our old college professors who knew how to keep us stupefied with their words. Nonetheless, most people are terrified when they are asked to address a group even if their good at making speeches.

Beleive me, anyone can be a excellent public speaker with proper rehearsal. In this day of technology and information, even the burden of composing the speech can be relieved since a variety of experts provide free online content.

Public speaking: things to consider

When preparing to speak publicly, you must concentrate on the people and consider ways to hold their interest in listening to you to the end. Listen to yourself during rehearsal. To improve your ability, record the length of your speech, set spots in advance, where you can change your tone, your speed and rhythm and plan your speech.

How you walk in and the first three minutes of your public speech can make a lasting impression on your crowd. The degree of confidence and calmness you portray will directly affect the impact you create. Begin on a strong note and hold the peoples attention. Have an opening statement to grip your crowd. Don't look tense, even if you are late, but portray a calm posture and attitude.

A broad range of situations occur where folks on the move, like travelogue documenters or photographers have to speak to a group and tell about their trip. For these, portable lecterns can be quite useful. Portable lecterns are also available to hold laptops.

Many folks join groups like Toastmasters etc, to help them to learn by speaking to groups regularily. A well known public speaking situation that arises are graduation announcements. You are generally asked to give a public speech where you thank everybody for being there, many make it more attractive by recalling an important occurance that occurred during your school days.

Graduation announcements

Nearly all people prepare a grad speech around a theme like an art-related theme for people in literature or art, a scientific theme for a science major and a business theme for a business graduate and so on.

To wrap up this short article on speaking in public I'd like to make 2 more quick points.

1. Prepare well in advance. Make sure you have all the information you'll need and practice your public speech ahead of time. Try speaking into a full length mirror; you'll begin to notice things about posture and hand movements you may not have picked up on previously.

2. Here's something else that has helped me also; tape or video record your speech. Once done watch or listen to yourself and take notes. If you try this once per day leading up to the big day you'll appear as a polished speaker, even though you might be shaking in your boots.

The above article with information relating too best man wedding speech and father groom speech wedding has been submitted by Chad McDonald from: Blog57300
Cathrine Blog81780

German Vacation Destinations Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany enjoys the prestige of being known as a major business and economic hub not only for Germany but for Europe as a whole. Frankfurt houses the second largest commercial airport in Europe and is a major hub for train rails. The European Central Bank is located in Frankfurt as well as thousands of companies that specialize in international trade, manufacturing, and commodities exchange.

Perhaps a majority of Frankfurts visitors come to the city as a result of business ties. Additionally, there are several economic and business-related fairs and demonstrations that draw hundred of thousands of foreign visitors each year.

Frankfurt also boasts many galleries and museums that showcase the country of Germanys appreciation for the fine arts. Frankfurt has made great efforts to distinguish itself not only as an economic and development hub of Europe, but also as an attraction for art and literature connoisseurs. The famous author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lived here. Furthermore, the city has etched a name for itself in the stage arts, boasting many revered dance and acting companies that receive worldwide critical acclaim.

The city has a skyline of skyscrapers that give a more Americanized look to it than a more European flair. The business districts contain some of the tallest buildings in Europe, including the Commerzbank tower that climbs to more than 980 feet above the ground.

Much of the construction in Frankfurt is relatively new, replacing devastation left by Allied bombing campaigns that took place in World War II. The result is a modern, bustling financial powerhouse that continues to grow in leaps and bounds and has established itself as a cornerstone of European and worldwide commerce.

Some of the most visited tourist destinations in Frankfurt include:

The Museum of Ethnology
The Museum of Applied Arts
The Communications Museum
The Stdel Institute of Art
The German Film Museum
The Goethe House, birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
St. Pauls Church
Rmerberg Square

Frankfurt is an excellent place to enter Germany by commercial airline, since it is such a large hub. Typically, since most traffic in and out tends to be business-related, many travelers have received good deals on airfare if their schedules are flexible. Furthermore, obtaining transportation to other parts of Germany from Frankfurt is quite easy. Rental car services, trains, and other means of transportation are readily available and like air line flights, may be obtained at very reasonable prices.

Always a main attraction and destination, the River Main runs through Frankfurt. More than 10,000 pedestrians cross it each day using the Eiserner Steg, a large bridge built in the 19th century. The city is very attractive for those with active lifestyles and even hosted some of the matches for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Frankfurt is also the home of the fairy tale themed amusement park Taunus-Wunderland, a popular family attraction that has a vast array of rides, attractions, and shows.

Puripong Koomsin is the owner of is useful article.Cari Blog24986
Alie Blog17127

Guide To Buying Printer Ink Online

The cost of printer ink is the sole concern for anyone using a printer. Buying printer ink online will save you both cost and time without compromising on quality.

The first step is to choose the type of printer ink you are looking for. It will depend on the purpose for which you use your printer. For plain black text compatible and remanufactured cartridges will work well. However, for printing photos and graphics, brand new cartridges will be the right choice. Printer ink refill kits are also available. You can also buy brand new printer cartridges from Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, Canon or Epson.

Online printer suppliers have their websites and it advised that you visit at least four or five before making your purchase. The suppliers offer various price discounts and a visit to different websites will help in making the right choice. Prices offered by the online sellers are considerably less than those at the retail stores. It is best if you visit a website offering cartridges from various manufacturers. This way it will be easier to compare the prices. Printer ink is normally delivered free of cost or at minimum shipping expenses.

When you are buying online, it is not possible to have a first hand look at the product. It is advised that you always buy from a reputed printer ink dealer. Reputed dealers offer guarantees and securities on their services. Check whether your online supplier offers guarantee on their quality and service. Faulty printer cartridges are usually replaced free of cost. Buy cartridges that are compatible with your printer. Incompatible cartridges will not give you good printer quality and may also damage your printer. Compatible cartridges are not available for many Hewlett Packard and Lexmark printers. Check carefully before buying and dont get fooled by false promises and assurances.

Oliver TurnerAnnnora Blog70742
Berti Blog6630

Dreaming Of A Web Business? Do You Have What It Takes?

After many months of worrying, searching, and procrastinating you finally decide to take the plunge. Are you ready for this?

Heres what I found you absolutely need to start and run a successful small business on the Web.

Deceptively Simple

If you are reading this, you can obviously navigate on the Web. You also have a more than passing interest for the subject clearly stated in the title of this article.

Furthermore, I would be willing to bet that you can already use your personal computer to create written documents, such as emails, or a more elaborate document, such as your personal resume (curriculum vitae).

You may even be using your computer to do your budget, for all I know.

Intuitively, you know you will need a Web site to market your Web business. You believe that you should know something about how to build a Web site that will serve the purposes of the small business you are planning to start.

This is where most people hesitate, or even drop the idea of a business on the Web. They think they need to hire expensive web site creators, and Web designers, to do what they think they cannot achieve.

Some forge on blindly and fall for the many easy solutions that are constantly being offered on the Web. Try our easy to use free templates, and just fill in the blanks. Presto! You have a Web site! Need content? No problem! Just subscribe to our free articles blahblahblah.

Yeah! Sure! But, will your Web site be a suitable marketing instrument for your business? Will it be an extension of yourself? Will it represent you, or someone elses efforts?

How are you going to be able to tell? You know (deep down) that you ignore practically everything about how to use the Web technologies to

Validate your business idea,
Research the best way to exploit it to its maximum potential,
And ensure the success of your small business.

The get rich quick, its easy (GRQ) crowd remain conspicuously silent on these vital issues!

Keep your eyes and critical mind open!

Be on the constant lookout for openly revealed answers that ring true and logical to you. Stay away from secret recipes. Use your own judgment to determine where the true solution lies. You have more common sense than you think. Dont be afraid to use it! Its in you best interest to exercise due diligence.


You need to know the basic marketing techniques and strategies for the Web. They are very different from the ones you would successfully use on land! Seek competent advice on this.

Remember! The most reliable advice need not be the most expensive!

Look for reputable, knowledgeable people who have a vested interest in your success. They will want you to succeed because your success will be contributing to their success. These experts work for themselves as well as for you. Therefore, they do not charge extra for the privilege of contributing to your endeavor, and making your efforts worthwhile. It will be worth their while too, in the long run. They know it. So should you.


Look for the guarantee behind the GRQ schemes. You will find none, of course.

If you dont believe you need a guarantee, think again! You are new to this business of starting a Web business. You a running the risk of failing, without appropriate and reliable help and support. You stand to lose your desire, perhaps forever! That would be a sorry mistake to make.

Keep searching until you find a solution provider that will openly guarantee results, if you follow their plan or your money back!. You will know, then, that you will have found a solution worth looking into seriously.

You just have to use your brain, common sense, and your motivation to keep looking further, below the surface (apparently easy solutions).


You will have to work at it. That should not come as a surprise. You did not really believe that its possible to build a successful business without you contributing some level of effort, did you?

Just make sure your efforts are well supported by reliable expert guidance, and everything will turn out just fine given time, and your active participation, of course! You dont have to become one the many misguided start-ups that fail miserably, because they failed to do their homework!

You will have to be strong to resist the many temptations of promised easy way outs! Because, thats all they are. An easy way out of business!

Before you know it, time will have flashed by, and you will end up with a truly viable business. Your determined efforts will be rewarded, in more ways than one.


If you read somewhere that it takes passion to build a business, be it on the Web or elsewhere, believe it!

When you go to bed at night, and cant wait to get up in the morning to run your business, thats when you are well on your way toward a rewarding outcome.


You are considering a business on the Web. It does not require much money to start one. You will not be buying an existing one, nor will you be buying into one.

You will be building your Web business from scratch. It can even be done on a shoestring, if all your will be offering your clientele is your knowledge, your know-how, or your services. You are already warehousing that in your brain, for free!

You already have a computer, and an internet connection. No extra expenses there.

Most people will think, at this stage, that all they need next is a Web host for their business Web site. Dont make the same mistake!

You will need more than a Web hosting company. As I explained above, you will need the company of Web marketing experts to guide you through the first critical steps toward building a successful Web business, not just a Web site!

A few (rare) Web hosting firms will provide all the hand holding help you will need as part of the basic (not extra) services you will be paying for. They do it because they want to keep your business.

They want to be able to show you off as yet another success story to which they dutifully, and respectfully contributed.

My recommendation

Keep looking. Keep your eyes open for sharks. Keep a critical mind on full alert to distinguish between fools gold and the real stuff. Keep believing in your idea. Keep working at it. Above all, keep it real.

Keep your efforts honest. Do not try to fool yourself. You will be rewarded in spades!

Eventually, you will realize that you had what it takes, after all.

Claude Jollet is a former planning adviser to major industrial and commercial clients. He specialized in weather related operational planning issues. He holds a B.Sc. specializing in business process analysis and automation. He also taught Web Information Architecture to senior college students. He now devotes himself to the promotion of Web entrepreneurship through his Web site Blog44648
Alisha Blog535

Reality Television America Now Watches Reality TV and Admits It

When the first Reality TV Shows aired, like Survivor, American Idol, and Big Brother, viewers didnt know what to make of it and were very critical of the participants. We thought, who would want to be stranded on an island without food and water and be eaten alive by mosquitoes? And after enduring that torture there was the chance of being ostracized during a ritual called tribal council.

America saw millions of people waiting on very long lines in rainy, snowy, and cold conditions for a chance to audition for a singing competition called American Idol. Their challenge would be a man named Simon Cowell who would eat them alive like the mosquitoes on Survivor if they didnt live up to his expectations.

Americas Next Top Model was soon to follow which highlights beautiful young woman who have dreams to be models. They go through grueling days beginning at the crack of dawn filled with challenges. A panel of judges that includes Tyra Banks who developed the program, critiques their photos, speech and runway walks. Sometimes the comments are so harsh, the contestants begin to have self-doubt and lose their winning spirit.

As time went on we started to embrace Reality television. We now understand that we are watching human beings who have dreams and goals, and want to challenge themselves to be stronger individuals. Criticizing actually validates what they are doing, because its easier to criticize others than to admit something is missing in your own life. Unfulfilled dreams and challenges are worse than TRYING and not winning.

So as we own up to our insecurities we watch couples in The Amazing Race conquer the world and test their physical and mental limits. We fall in love with the young men and woman who sing so brilliantly on American Idol. We watch Survivor and root for the honest, hard working competitor who uses the power of their mind and strength in their soul to win a million dollars. The reality show If You Think You Can Dance shows us amazing talent beyond the years of young dancers. We can feel their passion while watching them glide, jump, tap, flip, and pirouette across the floor. And its difficult to not be moved by a young girl who lives in a bad neighborhood, and endures a rough life that is gorgeous and wins a modeling contract with the best agency in the world.

Today we arent embarrassed to say we watch Reality TV. We should only be ashamed when we stay on the couch in the safety of our own home and dont take chances to show the world what we have to offer.

Janice A. Karp is 43 years old and lives in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. Janice grew up in New York and earned her degree at LIU - Southampton College. Shortly after, she moved to Maryland for 11 years to pursue her interest in coaching gymnastics. She moved back to Long Beach, New York for a few years, but now resides in Florida where she is pursuing some Home Business opportunities. Some of her interests are writing and running.Ardis Blog87870
Camellia Blog70286

How to Read a Seed Catalog

Long before the first daffodils of the year come into bloom, seed catalogs are delivered to our mailboxes to herald the arrival of Spring. A good seed catalog contains so much information, it can sometimes be overwhelming for a novice gardener to decide which seeds to buy for their garden. Today Ill explain how to interpret catalog descriptions for vegetable, herb and flower seeds.

Lets start with vegetable and herb seed descriptions, since theyre fairly straightforward. A typical catalog listing for these seeds will look something like this description for lettuce seeds:

Black Seeded Simpson (45 Day) Crisp, tender and sweet. Heat resistant. Pkt. $1.25

In this description, Black Seeded Simpson is the name of the lettuce variety. 45 Day refers to the average length of time from when the seeds germinate until the plant matures and is ready to harvest. Keep in mind that this number should be used only as an estimation. The actual maturity time will vary slightly with your particular growing conditions and the weather. This number is a rough guide and should be used mostly as a comparison with other varieties and when planning when to plant successive crops.

Thats pretty simple, right? But catalog descriptions arent that cut and dried for every vegetable.

Take sweet corn, for instance. The catalog description may indicate the length you can expect each ear to be at maturity, and even how many rows of kernels to expect on each ear. But you may also see some odd letters after the names of the corn varieties offered in some catalogs. EH, se, sh2, suits like a secret code. Actually, these letters tell you a little about the flavor you can expect long before you ever bite into the first sweet, tender ear.

First of all, when you see any of these designations after the variety name, youll know youre looking at a hybrid corn variety. These hybrids have been developed for certain desirable characteristics, such as flavor, tenderness, or durability for shipping.

An su hybrid is a normal sugary hybrid. They tend to be creamy and sweet, but they dont store well. An su hybrid should be eaten within a couple of days of harvest. This would be a good choice for a home garden, but a poor choice for a commercial corn grower. They tend to not cross pollinate with the neighbors corn.

An se variety is a sugary enhanced hybrid. These varieties have a smooth, butter texture, very tender kernels and a longer harvest period. Sugary enhanced hybrids also tend to not cross pollinate readily, and need not be isolated from your neighbors corn.

Supersweet hybrid corn is designated as sh2. These varieties have a gene that enhances their sweetness and produces firm, crisp and juicy kernels. The texture is not as creamy as se or su varieties, but supersweet varieties do hold their flavor for up to ten days after harvest, making them a good choice for commercial growers. Supersweet corn will cross pollinate readily with other corn varieties, resulting in starchy kernels, so its best to plant supersweet varieties at least 25 feet from other corn in your garden.

Now lets talk about flower seeds.

Flowering plants are categorized as either Annuals, Biennials or Perennials. Annuals will complete their entire life cycle in one growing season. Their seeds are planted in the spring, the plant grows rather quickly and blooms that same season. Marigolds and sunflowers are examples of flowering annuals.

A biennial plant will spend its first growing season establishing itself and storing energy. But its not until the following growing season that a biennial will bloom. Foxgloves and hollyhocks are biennials.

Perennials are plants that will continue to grow year after year without being replanted. They typically go dormant over winter and grow back from their roots the following spring. Astilbe, hostas and daylilies are examples of perennials.

Before choosing seeds from a catalog, youll need to know which growing zone you live in. Growing zones, also known as hardiness zones, are based on the average minimum temperatures for each zone. A growing zone map is included in every good garden catalog, making it quite easy to identify your gardens hardiness zone. Growing zones with higher numbers are in warmer climates, while growing zones with lower numbers are in the north.

For all perennials, biennials, trees and shrubs, catalogs will indicate the range of zones in which the plants will perform consistently. For instance, Blue Fountains delphinium is listed as hardy in zones 3-7. This plant would not be likely to survive a long, cold winter in zone 2, nor would it tend to grow well in the heat of zones 8 or 9.

For best results and the most satisfaction from your gardening efforts, always choose seeds for plants that are hardy to the growing zone you live in. Buy seeds from a reputable company and avoid discounted seeds left over from the previous year. Most seed companies print planting instructions for each seed variety right on the back of the seed packet. By following these instructions carefully and choosing your seeds wisely, youll be well on your way to having a terrific garden.

Kathy Anderson has been an avid gardener for many years and has grown tomatoes by the acre, along with many other vegetables, flowers and landscape plants. Kathy recommends as a great place to learn more about gardening. Article provided by If you use this article the above links must be active.Bellanca Blog91878
Cassandry Blog51831

Adsense - Improve Your Earnings by 5 Folds

You may find many Adsense Gurus on the net, offering you thousand ways to improve your Google adsense earnings! Mind you guys, just buying some genius adsense template and expect it to produce thousand dollars a day is a sure impossibility!

I am telling you with my practical experience that nothing would work unless you are prepared to go that extra mile. You should get hold of the adsense secrets that are unique to your site. You must be prepared to make continuous changes and measure effectiveness on a continuous basis.

Following are simple but effective steps successfully followed by the author, which may help you to improve your adsense earnings by five folds or even more! However, keep in mind that nothing would work unless you customize these options to suit your requirements.

The Best Position - This is always the demarcation point which decides you should be earning in hundreds or thousands! You must identify the most likely position where the reader would be most tempted to click. At first you might have to follow what Adsense Gurus have suggested. However, you must keep in mind that what they have said is not unique to your site.

You should be bold enough to do your own research and identify the best positions unique to your site, 'cos there could be exceptions to what Adsense Experts have proposed. Best example I can quote is '' a dating site which earns half a million Dollars a month just by displaying a single Google ad in each page with completely different link color format than the rest of the site using!

White Is In Demand - Having more white space around the article and the Ad will definitely increase your click through rate. In my case, this is one of the real secrets behind the high click through rate in my Adsense ads. Your objective should be to get the reader's attention to the Adsense ad and the article. Therefore, it is important to have other areas blank as much as possible to centre reader's attention to the Ad and the article. Remove all unnecessary items which are cluttered around the article and the Ad and have more white space on either side of the page.

What is Your Ad Size? - Highly effective Ad formats are 336x250 and 768x120. However, it is up to you to find out the best size for your site. These are the widely tested and accepted sizes. Tyr them out and see the outcome.

Be Discreet - I personally don't prefer to server image ads in my Adsense campaigns because they dilute the effectiveness of the Ads. It is starkly obvious to the reader that they are clicking on Ads and the sole purpose of putting them is to make money! Just don't make it so obvious! Instead, include text ads which are relevant to the theme. Place the ads where the reader is likely to seek a break while reading the article or your copy.

Artistic Way To Be Discreet - The font, color and texture should match with the rest of the page. This will make the ad looks like part of the article. You have the options to use either an ideally matching color or a contrasting color. Either way is effective.

Use The Maximum but Have a Balance - Always try to use maximum number of adsense ads in each page. Don't lose balance however! Ads should not dominate the page.

Measure the effectiveness of Ad units - Always make use of Google Adsense channels to identify which position or format has produced high click through rates. Be prepared to change the Ad format, color and position according to your findings. These simple but effective methods surely drive you more income you never ever expect if you are prepared to follow those in your own way. Find out your way out today.

Theodore Kirth is the owner of SEO friendly Article Directory where you can access to more adsense articles to find out adsense related stuff. Also you can get more latest internet marketing related information in his personal Internet Marketing Blog. You are one sign up away from accessing FREE SEO Tool, Complete Article directory lists, and Web directory list at Blog1114
Brunhilde Blog46917

How To Make Art School Work For You

When I was in school I had a graphic design professor a very smart individual who graduated from Yale and whose expertise was fonts. I spent two hours a day for an entire semester building fonts with a pencil and a clipboard. As the professor did not know how to use a computer, he did not require any of his students to either. This class was boring, but what was worse is that it was completely useless.

Rarely is a real company going to pay for a font. They are going to pay for business cards, logos, web sites, CDROMs and commercials but not a font. Many professors at prestigious schools with good reputations are relics of a past age. Graphic design requires technology, and technologies change and adapt. Oftentimes those that teach graphic design remain stagnant and enforce archaic concepts and methods. Academic graphic design is much closer to fine art than commercial graphic design (the type that makes money).

Avoid classes with names like The History of Byzantine Graphic Design, The Stencil as Design Tool or Dimension in Design.

You should design your schedule around your portfolio, your web site and your resume. The best classes are those that teach software and can provide tangible art that employers will want to see. Look at the want ads and then look at your schedule. If the class teaches or requires Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Flash, or HTML then take it immediately. Look for teachers who have worked in the world of graphic design and understand concepts like deadlines, client needs, and real world application.

The most important way to jumpstart your career is by establishing a web site early and constantly adding to it and improving it. Your web site should be the crown jewel of your arts education. If you can improve the site each year by adding flash animation or streaming video then you will have a job magnet when you are ready to graduate.

A college degree is a wonderful thing to have, but sometimes software certification is more important for finding a job. A Flash developer certification from Macromedia can lead to a job much faster than a graphic design degree from even the best university. Software certification can open doors that a degree cannot. You have four years of art school to learn and improve yourself. You will never again have the time and resources to pursue certifications. The best part is that you can probably receive academic credit for anything that you do if you just fill out a little of the correct paperwork.

Michael Long is a Seattle area graphic designer, web designer and flash developer that has worked for some of the biggest names in the Fortune 500. He is the former CEO of Overdrive Media and currently works as a design consultant. Sponsored by: Art Schools Digital - Seattle Blog32716
Cal Blog81676

Why Do People Need Web Sites?

The procedure requires a creative approach as well. The idea of the web site must be promptly thought over: not so much, but with zest! Not to overdo with the ideas is key, because when a person enters the site, he needs to find first of all, what he is interested in.

Nowadays, Web design is of a great request over the Internet. Web design lies not only in the creation of web pages but also all the content and management is included.

This process includes an entire complex of tasks and objectives set before the team, consisting of a web designer, programmer, maker-up, optimizer and other specialists, and depends on the complexity and the specificity of the site. The development of a web site starts from the detail studying of the clients involvement, his scope of ability, improvement of his goals.

But it doesnt mean that a consumers role is petty here. No, in no way! A client, in his turn, must plainly decide for himself what he wants people to see on his future site, in order, to have solid and authoritative web page and capture the visitors attention.

If the customer does in such a way it will be in a great help for the web designer and the rest of the team. Cooperation and joining forces together are very important elements here, with an eye to avoid misunderstanding.

Then the conception and technical tasks of the site are worked out on the basis of the received information from the client.

People create web sites on different purposes: for big businesses, to sell or buy something, to advertise, for entertainment and chat, or just for themselves. The clients can host their sites on the free or paid servers as well. The difference between them, of course exists, while paid servers are more reliable and require fee (per month or year). But if a person is just a beginner in the sphere of web design and wants to have his own site he can make an attempt to allocate it on the free server. Though, here again, mostly, depends on the tasks and involvement of the client.

Having a web site is not so much the question of prestige as one more possibility to announce and advertise the business today. Many companies develop themselves with the help of web design: earn money, upgrade their image; it is a great advantage to find new partners and to draw the clients attention and develop the business.

Web sites are not only for the big businesses. Everybody, who has some ideas and wants to share them with others, in order to approve himself or something like that, can get a place on a free server.

Web site is a small miracle in the Internet, which is targeted presentation of various information.

More interesting info about web design and web hosting you may get here: and .

Anna Ryaskova is a copywriter of - Web Design Directory and - Cheap Web Hosting Directory.Belle Blog38876
Annis Blog46150

Ruby vs Java Conundrum

The Ruby language and Rails framework have been gaining rapid prominence and fast becoming development platforms of choice for many Web 2.0 applications and sites. This rapid rise is raising questions on the abilities and applicability of Java technologies for particular kind of products. Many visionaries and early adopters of Ruby and Rails framework have already sounded the death knell for Java. Impetus iLabs has invested significant time, effort and technological expertise to take a hard look at Java and Ruby platforms and to separate the facts from the fiction, an initiative to make users aware, informed, and ahead of new developments in the technology space.


Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications that together provide a system for developing and deploying cross-platform applications. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms spanning from embedded devices and cell phones on the low end to enterprise servers and super computers on the high end.

Java has gained enormous popularity since it first appeared. Its rapid ascension and wide acceptance can be traced to its design and programming features, particularly in its promise that you can write a program once, and run it anywhere. With Java, you can often get software for free and is one of the first programming languages to consider security as part of its design.

Security measures cannot be implemented with any degree of assurance without a reliable framework for program execution. Java provides multiple levels of reliability measures, beginning with the Java language itself.

Java: Pros

* Javas population of programmers is huge.

* Javas open source community thrives. Open source projects exist across a wide spectrum of problem spaces and fill many different niches. With Java, you can often get software for free that youd have to build yourself or pay for on other languages.

* Java is mature. Java is often the safest choice.

* Java is scalable. Weve learned enough from experience to build applications that scale.

* Java offers choice.

* Java Technology is mature and provides proven solutions for enterprise level problems such as Two-phase commit, and distributed objects.

Java: Cons

Like any programming language, Java is not without drawbacks. A study conducted by Wily in 2003 has reported the J2EE performance and availability was generally average to poor. Java has also been receiving stiff competition with IBM launching consulting support for PHP in February 2005.

* The Java Platform Is Weakening

Successful programming languages seem to emerge every decade or so. Bell Labs developed the C programming language in the early 1970s, C++ was released by AT&T in 1985 and slowly subsumed C because it had features allowing object-oriented programming. Sun released Java in 1996, and it rapidly emerged as a popular language for Internet development. Java has been growing steadily ever since. Trivial logic dictates were due for a new programming language around now, and Java should start to decline soon.

* Complexity

Javas complexity is increasing. With one massively complex framework after another, Java vendors embraced EJB and the most complicated version imaginable of web services and XML. EJB vendors redesigned EJB from scratch twice, forcing significant migrations on their customers.

* Availability

In a 2003 study, Wily ( reported that J2EE performance and availability were generally average to poor.

* Competition

In February 2005, IBM announced consulting support for PHP. Ruby on Rails has passed 500,000 total downloads. Peter Yared, Suns previous application server CTO predicted that J2EE would lose to LAMP (open source software consisting of Linux, Apache web server, MySQL, and a dynamic language such as Python, Perl, or PHP)

Ruby language

Ruby is a reflective, dynamic, object-oriented programming language. It combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like object-oriented features, and also shares some features with Python, Lisp, Dylan, and CLU. Ruby is a single-pass interpreted language.

Ruby Pros

* Productivity: Ruby and Ruby on Rails have higher productivity measured as Lines of code per feature size and time to build feature.

* Short ramp up times, well motivated team and experienced team can be productive on RoR platform in less than a week cross training

* A long list of industry visionaries are supporting Ruby

o Martin Fowler, chief scientist at ThoughtWorks

o James Duncan Davidson, creator of Ant and Tomcat, is using Rails in a start-up to develop a web-enabled rich application that will be the primary offering of that company.

o David Geary, key designer for several successful web development frameworks including JavaServer Faces (JSF) is speaking and blogging about Rails with regularity.

o Richard Monson Haefel, once one of two voting individuals for the Java Community Process (JCP) recently led the Burton Group in a discussion with high-profile U.S. companies about Ruby on Rails as an important emerging technology. He has also published a paper about using Rails with Oracle.

* Ruby and Ruby on Rails have higher productivity which leads to other benefits like:

o More productivity leads to fewer developers per project.

o You spend less effort on communication for small projects.

o Having fewer developers per project also lowers management costs per project.

o When you finish applications sooner, you deliver their value to the business sooner.

Ruby Cons

* As a new language, Ruby could potentially stagnate, which could make scarce resources even harder to find.

* There are not as many deployed Ruby applications in production yet, so we dont have as much definitive proof of the ultimate scalability of Ruby.

* The Ruby community is not as well established as the Java community, so its harder to find third-party components, frameworks, education, and services.

* Ruby is less structured than Java and has fewer automated features to protect applications from abuse. This flexibility is both a strength and a weakness.


Impetus strongly believes that in the current scenario Java and Ruby technology platforms will continue to coexist and address different need. RoR and Ruby platform is much better suited for a particular type of Web Applications and Sites where application programmers can control the database.

Java technology platform is proven and addresses issues like two phase commit and distributed objects very well.

In the coming future the equations may change, Ruby platform has a high chance of overtaking Java Platform to be the platform of choice for building all types of application. Impetus believes that the following factors are conducive of Rubys probability of replacing Java

* Network ubiquity and increasing bandwidth changes the dynamics and premises on which the distributed architecture principles were built. Thin client and layered architectures were necessitated for conserving network bandwidth and reducing network traffic due to latency. In a world with fast and fat pipes of connection these premises would not hold anymore. This tilts the balance in favor of Ruby and ROR.

* CPU cycles and memory is becoming ridiculously cheap. Performance and scaling up potentially will be lesser of an issue as you could use more hardware to scale up applications without having to take on a huge cost burden. This again tilts the balance in Rubys favor.

Vineet Tyagi is Director of Engineering,Impetus Technologies ( Blog25866
Ailee Blog39510

Custom Made Mountain Bikes

Practically everybody wants to feel that they are an individual, and to have their own particular needs met, whether they are a road biker or a mountain biker. So whether you want customization or custom-built, there's a bike out there for you.

If you're thinking of getting a custom-made mountain bike, there are several factors you have to take into consideration.

Frankly, the typical weekend biker doesn't really need a custom-made bike. As long as you buy your bike at a bike store where they can get you fitted properly, you'll do just fine.

But for really serious bikers to whom speed is all - the professionals and the dedicated amateurs, the customized bike is something to consider.

Custom- Built vs Customization

The terminology of "customization" can be confusing. People use the words interchangeably, when really they are two different things.

A customized bike is one that takes an off -the-shelf frame, and puts on the seat you want, a stem of the correct height, a crankset with pedals you can reach easily, etc.

A custom-built bike is one in which the frame itself is built exactly to you measurements.

Basically, when one talks about a customized bike - or rather a custom-built bike - one is talking about the frame. You send along your measurements to the manufacturer - length of foot to knee, knee to pelvis, torso, overall height and they construct the frame with those measurements in mind. They then put on all the rest of the stuff - the high-end tires, the brakes and shifters you require, the crank set, and you're good to go.

All t hat costs money.

An Easy Customization - the Paint Job

There's other ways to customize mountain bikes, of course, though I haven't seen many people do it. Why not give them a stylized paint job like you see on lowriders? Of course mountain bikes used for actually going down mountains (as opposed to those used for cross-country or even road riding) take a bit of a beating and can get scratched up, but for most bikers, a hand-painted mural on their bike can be quite attractive. Why let the lowriding crowd have all the fun? The only reason why I haven't painted my own bike in orange and black tiger stripes is because I know I don't have the skill to pull it off - but if you've got any artistic talent at all, why not go for it?

Bike technology is improving all the time, as manufacturers strive to make the strongest frames out of the lightest of materials. So keep an eye on the review sections of your favorite bicycle magazine, as it will keep you up to date on what is happening in the world of cycling.

Alastair Hamilton is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics for . Find more publications about mountain bike reviews at Blog67412
Beatrix Blog25795

Bamboo Or Teak Dining Room Tables There Is No Better Option For Your Outdoor Dining Area

Is your outdoor dining area missing something that special something that would make it the Mack daddy of places to entertain? Look around and check everything out everything that you have. You might think that you have it all, but you might actually be missing the most important piece that makes for excellent dining, and that is the perfect outdoor dining table. If what is sitting in your space has seen better days, then it is time to upgrade and there is no better option than bamboo or teak dining room tables, which are perfect for your outdoor eating area.

Bamboo or teak dining room tables are available in a wide variety of styles. Different options include rectangular, oval or round shaped tables and they can come in a number of sizes from very large, like ten feet in length, to very small, like five to six feet in length. All of the different shapes and sizes makes it easy for you because than it is pretty simply to find an option that will fit into your space. So, if you have a small deck or patio, than you can still accommodate guests for outdoor dining with a smaller table. The same holds true if you have a very large outdoor dining area. You could also mix and match to create a unique dining space and do not forget to get bamboo or teak chairs to match to bring the look and feel of your dining space together. And, not only are they ideal for your outdoor eating area, but if you want to put them indoors in your dining room, you can as well. Basically, whatever table option you decide on will definitely enhance the look of your space too because with bamboo or teak, you are getting one piece of furniture that is visually stunning because it has a gorgeous natural golden color.

Probably the best thing about bamboo or teak dining room tables, besides how pleasing to the eye they are, is the fact that they are extremely durable and long-lasting. Teak wood is one of the most revered woods in the entire world because it is a very hardwood that is extremely resistant to any kind of damage. Plus, teak woods natural oil also makes it highly resilient to the weather, so, if for you do not have the storage space to bring yours indoors during the winter months, you do not have to worry that it might rot or get damaged. Rain, extended exposure to the hot sun, sleet, hail, even snow will not break it down, which makes it one quality piece of furniture that will last for many, many years on your backyard deck or patio.

To see all of the wonderful options of bamboo or teak dining tables, the easiest and quickest way is to head to your personal computer for a little online comparison shopping. Just by the click of the mouse, and a few simple searches, you can find a ton of different styles and options. Plus, along the way, you will also end up finding ones of the best quality and most likely the best prices.

So, if your outdoor dining area is in need of a new dining table, one of the finest options available is bamboo or teak dining tables. They are beautiful, durable, and are an ideal choice for any deck or patio. Get one today to ensure that you have all the pieces in place for hosting that perfect evening dinner party.

As an owner and patio user, Jesse Akre offers product reviews and information on outdoor furniture and dining sets, giving the online consumer help finding elegant pieces to complete their space. Decorate your patio or deck your style - your way -Click today: Simply Blog52655
Ailee Blog39510

Cell Phone Contract Tips

Cell phones (telefone celular) are increasingly used in the modern world. They are no longer a luxury, but are considered a need. They can send and receive e-mail, get information on news, entertainment, make a call home while traveling and contact the police or the ambulance during an emergency.

The radio, telephone and computer technology fused together to make the cell phone technology. Nevertheless, with the advancing technology, marketing became much tougher, and cell phone operators devised numerous clauses in their contracts to ensure that their competitors do not erode their customer base. Thus the cell phone contract was born.

A cell phone (telefone celular) contract is an agreement between the buyer and the wireless cell phone service provider. Usually it is of 1 or 2 years of duration, during which a consumer is legally bound to remain with the wireless service provider. Certain operators give a trial period to their consumers. After the trial period of 14 or 30 days is over, when the contract is entered upon and the phone is bought, the penalty for breaking the contract can range from $150 to $600, depending on where the phone was bought.

Before the contract finishes, if a new phone is to be bought, then some companies give a customer loyalty discount, which in effect extends the contract. This may prove to be expensive when compared to buying a new phone with a good discount. Thus, you may be locked in to a single operator, without your knowing it, if you do not read and understand the terms of the cell phone contract.

If one is not satisfied with the service provided by the cell phone (telefone celular) service provider, then one can come out of the contract, without paying a termination fee, if someone else is willing to go through the contract for the remaining period. Finding someone willing to undertake this may be difficult. Numerous websites have come up which help you in finding someone to transfer your contract to, however cell phone service providers do not endorse such websites as they only connect the buyer and the seller, doing nothing with the actual transfer.

Thus once you find a buyer for your cell phone contract, you have to contact your cell phone service provider to complete the transfer. This may take quite some time, as your provider will do a credit check on the buyer and if the creditworthiness is not found sufficient for the contract, the transfer will not take place. In case the transfer does take place, then you have the option of keeping the same number that you originally had. Usually, it has been seen that with transfers, you may have to supply the cell phone also as a free incentive to the buyer. High-end cell phones offered free along with the transfer usually get buyers within a couple of days.

Cell phone (telefone celular) service providers generally give a trial period before enforcing the contract term, which may be of 1-year or 2-year duration. Almost all providers give at least 14 to 30 days of trail period. A 1-year cell phone contract has a shorter commitment period, which may prove to be beneficial if the phone needs repairs, or is lost.

In addition, since the period is short, one may avail of new discounts that come up. After the term of 1-year ends, the phone can be kept without any contract and no penalty is charged for quitting. However, in a 1-year contract, the activation fee and/or the phone may not be cheap. Certain discounts and promotional offers cannot be availed of as in a 2-year period.

In a 2-year cell phone (telefone celular) contract, the activation fee and/or the phone may not be expensive. Huge discounts on the phone may be availed. Special promotions may be availed. However, since the phone is kept for a longer duration, more money may be spent on repairing, insuring, or replacing. The opportunity to buy a new phone reduces, and thus may not be eligible to switch cell phone service providers. Expensive phones may also opt for phone replacement insurance plans. However, due to the costs of such plans, few subscribe to these plans.

Pre-Paid or No Contract cell phones (telefone celular) are not available with all cell phone service providers. They are attractive as they require no commitment, the credit history is unimportant, and there is no penalty for quitting. However, call charges may be more expensive, and no promotional discounts etc., may be availed of.

It is always advisable to read and fully understand the terms of the cell phone provider as stated in the contract form, including the fine print, before signing the cell phone (telefone celular) contract.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author's name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog87726
Aggy Blog18192

How to Creatively Decorate Using Floor Lamps

When it comes to setting the mood or atmosphere in a room, not only does proper illumination add to the allure of your personal space, but also the sources of light. While table lamps and ceiling lights serve a functional purpose, floor lamps are expansive in the many different ways one may decorate their space and showcase their creativity. Whether you choose an antique selection to brighten your den or side with a traditional Victorian fringe design for the bedroom, the never-ending possibilities of a floor lamp shine through in the mind-boggling variety in choices.

Antique Lamps

There is a certain elegance and intrigue associated with displaying an antique floor lamp. In home design, the mystery and unknown past of such an item is enough to spark the imagination, as well as provide a delightful conversation topic when family and friends visit. Today, there are manufacturers that strive to recreate this very look by emulating flowery, ornamental approaches towards antique furniture, which allows homeowners to match their lighting sources with other elements of their dcor.

A few common features of antique lamps include the stained-glass lampshade, brass finishes, and intricate designs. When one is interested in truly decorating their home with antique floor lamps, genuine specimens may cost quite a bit, such as French antique lamps carrying a price tag of more than thousands of dollars. Usually, an antique or antique-styled floor lamp is selected because of its look and fit within a setting, rather than bringing light into the room.

One-of-a-Kind Pieces

Floor lamps are also known to serve as a work of art, as some artists fashion one-of-a-kind pieces that sometimes depict odd, creative, or unusual displays. Some of the unique possibilities of artsy floor lamps include planetary designs, sculpted wooden figures, wild animals, and abstract images. Artistic floor lamps may also use unusual objects to construct the base of the lamp, such as animal antlers, petrified wood, branches, or heat-treated metal. They may rise in the air like an ivory torch or bring the look and feel of fantasy with fairies decorating their base.

Some floor lamps are fashioned with a specific art movement in mind, such as colorful Art Deco pieces. Artists may also hand craft their samples and hand paint customized detailing on the outside of the shade to add characteristic touches for home and/or office use.

Regional Flair

Floor lamps are sometimes used to represent or pay homage to regional pride, as seen in Southwestern selections showcasing characteristic elements added to a lamp, such as images of cacti and rattlesnakes. A New York City-themed floor lamp may showcase a silhouette of the Empire State Building. Cozy wilderness scenes of Colorado and other rustic locations may utilize the image of wild critters, such as the grizzly bear or bald eagle.

Create a Mood

Floor lamps allow individuals to create a mood within their home or office that becomes the focus of the space when one enters the room. A gateway to the past may come alive with a Victorian-style street lamp displaying the soft, burnt orange glow of a custom crafted glass lampshade. Perhaps, the theme of your living room is Oriental a solid hardwood floor lamp with a Chinese raw lacquer finish with mother of pearl and metal chrome accents will fit into the dcor. Color also helps create a mood, such as the vibrant shades of red in Asian-style floor lamps.

Mix and Match Color Bulbs to Match Lampshades

The unique part of purchasing a floor lamp is that you may change lampshades to the base of your favorite lamp, just as you can match different colored light bulbs to create varying effects within a room. Depending on the time of day and other outside factors, various lampshade colors transform light into an array of shades, but red, blue, green, and even yellow lights can establish the atmosphere into a controlled setting, such as a romantic environment to a room set aside for contemplation, withdrawal, or reflection.

In conclusion, the many uses and dcor ideas regarding floor lamps are quite vast, as homeowners may choose from a host of inviting and exciting selections on the market. Today, an assortment of contemporary, traditional, hip, artisan, and antique lamps expand the possibilities of floor lamp interior design.

Desmond Smalls is the owner of http://SnSLamps.comAlyce Blog36254
Belle Blog21630

How to Choose a Computer for your Business

You get the most out of your technology. You have been using your latest computer for about 4 years. And now you are noticing just how slow that computer has become. Needs change and you need something that keeps pace with your business. But what should you be looking for? Let's sit down and do a consultation. This is the same advice that I would give my clients if asked this question.

Mobile or Desk Bound

The first question you need to be asking is a basic one. Does your business dictate a laptop or a desktop computer? If you make frequent presentations on the road, a laptop is a must. If you want something that is on the highest end of processor power, you should consider a desktop computer. Desktop computers always run higher on processing power than laptops. Laptops require miniaturization and, as such, take longer to develop. Hence, they are always behind the power curve. Will this computer be acting as a server? Will it "serve" up files to other computers on your network. If that's the case, you won't be wanting to take that out of the office. That would disconnect users from their data. And that's a no-no.

The Price Point

Never ever go after a computer based on an initial price. Most brand name computer manufacturers have learned a marketing trick. They put a computer sticker price at the lowest possible price. But this price will not be the price you will pay. Unless you want the barest bones computer you can imagine. You will almost always end up paying hundreds more than the initially quoted price once you're done. It's just a sneaky way to get you "in the door." But there are other reasons you should never go on price alone.

It's All About Support

Probably the single most important factor for choosing a computer these days is support. What kind of support will you have once this company has made a sale? A while ago, computers differed tremendously in their configuration and components. But things have changed. Now, computers are incredibly modular. Most of the major manufacturers use very similar, or identical, components. There are many reasons for this change, but all you need to know is that the main issue isn't components anymore. It really is about the post sale support. Research your manufacturer and get the "skinny" on their class of support. If you are going after a local cheapy beware. Sure, you may get an excellent deal, but will they be around if the computer breaks?

The Middle Road is Golden

People tend to make one of two mistakes when they buy a computer. They either tend to buy too little computer or too much. Don't go after a super cheap computer. It's almost always a bad idea, unless you happen across a great deal. In my experience, this rarely happens. Also, don't get top of the line components in your computer. You will pay a premium for these items. And in six months, you will be kicking yourself as those components have depreciated tremendously. A good rule of thumb is to look at the low and high ends and pick something in between. You will get a great deal for your money and it will last you many years.

Essential Software

A lot of computer vendors are in the habit of stuffing software onto systems. They will give you everything you don't need. This gives the illusion of value. But really that software will just bloat your system. You only need a few pieces of software really. Obviously, there is the operating system, or OS. This will most likely be Windows. Then you need an office suite. Again, this will most likely be a Windows based product like Office. As a sidenote, you may want to look at Openoffice( It's free and is compatible with Microsoft Office. Just make sure you get the right version of Office. This is especially true of Powerpoint, Microsoft's presentation software. Not all versions have Powerpoint included.

Don't get bogged down in all the options. Just remember, most computers are basically the same. They have most of the same hardware and software. I have discussed some of the major differences. Remember, in this day and age, it really is about the support.

Copyright 2006 Jack Knows Inc.

Paul McGillivaryAnni Blog72613
Aimee Blog45285

Ballet Shoes, Pointe Shoes, Daily Exercise and Diet

I talk to young and adult ballet students and the questions I get asked most commonly relate to:

1. Getting onto pointe and finding the right pointe shoes

2. Stretching - especially doing the splits

3. Cannot get to enough classes in a week to advance more quickly

4. Concerns about good diet and body weight/shape

When to start taking pointe classes is a frequent discussion on dance forums. I talk very generally since I have never seen nor taught any of the students that I get into a discussion with. Basic technique has to be very strong before you can do pointe work. Posture and turnout must be correct and strong. Here is one thing you can do just as a self-test, to determine how your strength is developing.

Either at the dance studio or at home, stand next to the mirror in first or fifth position, so that you are looking at yourself sideways. With arms in fifth-en-avant (I'm speaking Cecchetti here) slowly press up onto 3/4 pointe.

Do you have any difficulty maintaining your correct posture and turnout?

Do your ankles wobble toward your big toe or your little toe?

Do you cramp right away?

Can you keep your shoulders and neck relaxed?

Can you do some simple port-de-bras without losing balance?

Can you slowly press down through flat to a demi-plie, and then do several of these slow-motion releve maintaining your poise?

If you have any trouble with this, ask your teacher what you need to work on, to get stronger for future pointe work. Have her/him watch you and correct you so that you can work on this at home. I encourage this kind of practise especially for those students who would like to take more classes but just can't. Work for some, school for others, and availability of the right classes usually prevents full time study.

If your ankles are wobbly, keep the legs parallel, face the mirror, and rise up and down slowly keeping the weight in the middle of your feet, so there is no sickling in or out. This must be strengthened before poise, arm postion, etc., is of any concern. Also, take note that you are holding your turnout muscles even in this parallel position, as most knees roll in a little if not held in line. Once you are sure that you can feel that your ankles are in exactly the right place, go back to first position for your slow motion releves. Pointe shoes don't matter yet, as you can injure yourself or begin acquiring tense and awkward work habits if you are not ready to do pointe work.

If you cramp right away, on your first rise, then your muscles are weak. Relax and do a demi-plie (none of this should be torture). Cramping has other causes also such as dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Calcium and magnesium deficiency will lead to cramping too. You need all 12 of the cell salts to maintain your electrolytes. A good sea salt will help, kelp, other sea weed, or homeopathic 'bioplasma' or 'all 12' tablets. And of course, good proteins, lots of raw or lightly steamed green vegetables and salads, and fruits are mandatory. Did I say mandatory? Yes, I did! Your bones and muscles are MADE from what you eat. And so is your nervous system that your bones and muscles depend on.

Years ago my friend Sara and I were taking ballet classes at Don Hewitt's in Santa Monica, California. It was summer, I was used to a cold climate - and, admittedly we were typically obsessed with being thin so we wore plastic sweat pants for classes. Afterwards we would be practically catatonic. The ONE good thing we did was pour a couple of packets of salt into our root beers as we drove home for our health food dinners. That was before we knew that sodas drain calcium from bones to....well, that really is another article.

It looks like #1 from above will be the next article! This article is mainly concerned with what you need before getting onto pointe. You can do daily exercise and you will get strong! Be sure to tell your teacher your goal and that you are dedicated to a specific outcome, and ask for help.

When you are exhausted from practise, soak in Epsom Salts, then put on your favorite ballet DVD. Inspiration is important, and seeing yourself in your mind's eye, dancing in pointe shoes, is a good thing to do while you rest. All the best!

Dianne M. Buxton is a graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada. She continued dance training at The Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, and Toronto Dance Theatre. She taught at, and choreographed for The National Ballet School, York University, and George Brown College, in Canada, and taught at Harvard University in the U.S. provides articles on fitting pointe shoes, and strengthening exercises, for male students too.Bonnee Blog27670
Anna Blog84593

Exercise Stops the Need for Plastic Surgery and Injections

Almost every day there is an article written and published about the industry of beauty; the topics vary but you can be assured that Botox and fillers via injections, surgery and procedures will be discussed ad nauseam. These invasive, perilous undertakings entice those who want to look younger and these brave souls don't mind putting their health at risk as they alter their appearance time and again with the latest and greatest cosmetic procedure.

An unfortunate by-product of plastic cosmetic surgery is suicide. That's right, for whatever reason, men and women who are disappointed with the results are increasingly becoming suicidal. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is real and its meaning can be summed up in just one sentence This is a mental disorder suffered by both men and women that causes an extremely critical self analysis of one's physique with less than satisfactory results from plastic surgery or other modalities of physical enhancement. Imagine, having procedure after procedure and still seeing an ugly duckling in the mirror.

Chasing after the Fountain of Youth has been an on-going odyssey for centuries and even though drug companies would like you to believe that toxins and the like will help you look younger, at the end of the day, you will still be the age you are only with a body filled with chemicals that can have an adverse effect on your good health. This risk of dependency affects more than just physical health, now we must consider mental health!

Chemicals, toxins, cadaver based fillers, surgery, feather lifts, Thermage, lasers and more are temporary and risky procedures that keep you looking older. Yes, older! These fixes do nothing but prop up your aging face, producing short lived self confidence because when these gimmicks wear off, you must repeat and repeat the procedures to maintain the desired semblance of prettiness and youthfulness.

Does anyone who regularly shoots up think about the consequences ten years from now? It's a well known fact that when you paralyze a portion of the face, the face contorts to accommodate the affected muscles and these contortions lead to more wrinkles. What about the fillers that plump up nasal labial folds? How much can the body endure from repeated uses of sterilized cadaver and bovine materials?

And what about cutting into the face of a perfectly healthy body to stop the slide of muscles and skin? Consider this: If you see that your butt is sliding into the top of your thigh or that your underarm is jiggling, would surgery be your first line of defense? Heavens no! Most likely you would begin an exercise regimen to tone up your body; surgery probably wouldn't enter your mind.

Doctors and drug companies advertise. They heavily advertise so that you will begin to believe their message, their hype. They want you to believe that this injection, this procedure, this medication will make you look and feel younger and healthier. When you think about the long-term expense and risk, do these options seem sound? How many procedures and injections will be required over a twenty span? Will you eventually stop them and then just look old? That's doubtful because studies show that people who have one procedure will likely eye the menu and book another. It's likened to a gerbil on his wheel imperfections can create the desire for more and more treatments that just might interfere with your life. After all, surgery is risky, even deadly!

I admire Alex Kuczynski, author of Beauty Junkies, who believes a very sad fate has tainted the feminine ideal, declaring that the culture of "better" has corrupted the perception of what is beautiful and even acceptable. In other words, the ads would have you believe that you need to be fixed. Ms Kuczynski nor I want you to end up look like an aging porn star from chasing after injections and surgery.

Enough already! Let's move on to a positive space a space where everyone can return the look of youthfulness to their face without any risk, pain or spending their children's inheritance.

External beauty like inner beauty takes work; yes, it's easy to just allow someone to administer beauty enhancements but did you know there is an alternative to the usual suspects of improvement? One that will definitely help you look younger and it doesn't involve surgery or injections it's facial exercise that uses isometric contractions and resistance that when employed for just a few weeks will create a younger looking face by strengthening and toning hidden facial muscles that support our skin.

Bottom line: Aging isn't what it used to be. Defy it! Exercise your face!

Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their childrens inheritance. Caye Blog96435
Becka Blog17554

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